5 Signs of Screen Addiction in Your Child

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There’s no question that technology has drastically changed how people live. And while there are many benefits to incorporating screens into children’s lives, there is also a dark side – screen addiction. With over 47% of male teenagers reporting video gaming addiction, it’s no wonder why parents are concerned. Here are five signs that your child may be addicted to screens:

1. Losing Interest in Other Activities

When your child spends most of their time playing video games or watching YouTube videos, they tend to lose interest in other activities. Because screens are highly engaging, they often provide instant gratification.

2. Being Sneaky About Their Usage

When your child lies about their screen usage or sneaks around to use screens, it may not be a good sign. If they are using screens but aren’t honest about it, they may be hiding their screen addiction.

3. Feeling Tired After Using Screens

If your child stays up late overusing screens, they may not be getting enough sleep. Screens can interfere with healthy sleeping patterns, so your child will need to cut back. However, they can benefit physically and mentally with active online dancing for homeschoolers instead of gaming or watching videos and movies.

4. Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms

It’s important to pay attention to what happens after your child stops using screens. If they experience physical or psychological symptoms, such as mood swings, anxiety, depression, or irritability, they may be suffering from withdrawal.

5. Using Screens to Boost Moods

Screens provide instant gratification and excitement, which can boost your child’s mood. This type of temporary relief means little in the long term. If your child turns to screens when feeling down to find comfort, that is a sign of over-dependency.

If you notice any of these signs in your child, it may be time to take a break from screens. While experts still don’t know the impact screens will have on future generations, children need to be active even when spending a significant amount of time on screens.

3 Tips for Keeping a Beautiful Backyard Pond

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It can take a lot of effort to create an oasis of a backyard, including the time and work of having a pond designed and installed. After all that investment, you probably want to keep your pond looking (and smelling) its best. After all, your backyard is meant to be enjoyed. Here are three tips for maintaining your backyard pond or water feature. Continue reading “3 Tips for Keeping a Beautiful Backyard Pond”

Manscaped – The Ultimate Gift of Grooming

Holiday gift giving can be stressful, especially for a man who has everything. The Chad and I as we have grown older have learned and seen the value of functional gift giving and have shared this same ideal with our children. Now that my children are all young adults and into their teen years, functional gift are even more important. Enter in the functional gift of grooming and self care, just for men. My daughter and I know all about the primping and self care, so why not men as well? Continue reading “Manscaped – The Ultimate Gift of Grooming”

The Difference between Substance Tolerance, Dependence, and Addiction

When you start substance abuse, you require only a small dose of the drug or alcohol to feel its full impact. However, when you continue abusing these substances, your body develops resistance, and you start using larger amounts. This can eventually lead to addiction, but you can get treatment for that at a rehab Alabama-located (https://impactrecoverycenter.net/). Before you get to the addiction level, you first develop tolerance to the drug, and then dependence follows. If the three confuse you, read on to understand what they are all about. Continue reading “The Difference between Substance Tolerance, Dependence, and Addiction”

Information on Drug Addiction Recovery

Embarking on a drug recovery program is a crucial decision. To achieve the best outcome, here are some questions to help you understand how to go about addiction recovery:

How to begin?

Addiction has psychological and physiological aspects that require it to be addressed. It is important to note that the psychological aspects are not easy to access until the physiological aspects are looked into. This means that an addict must undergo detox for some duration of time. Despite the approach you opt for in recovery from addiction, the process starts with some reduction in substance use. Continue reading “Information on Drug Addiction Recovery”

Signs It’s Time to Seek Help for Your Addiction

woman in blue long sleeve shirt

All too often, people suffering from substance abuse, whether drugs or alcohol, they don’t see rock bottom coming. Recalling their accounts, it’s a common story to be told that they were surprised to wake up one day and suddenly realize the truth about the situation.

By then, usually, they would have already lost a lot about their old life: relationships with family and friends, jobs, possessions, or even a home. No matter how different these stories start out, however, what is certain is that this descent to rock bottom did not happen overnight. This would have been a steady decline, some faster than others, with plenty of red flags coming up along the way. 

If you think you’re currently on this descent, but are still aware enough to want to do something about it, or if you think you could be someone who would need help sooner or later, here are some telltale signs you could keep an eye out for. 

You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms

It starts out benign enough. You drink a glass of wine or a bottle of beer before going to bed. It’s healthy enough in moderation anyway, right? But then something happens and that one serving suddenly increases to two more, three more. 

If it’s drugs, the escalation may come in the form of needing more doses, or popping a pill more frequently. 

Whichever substance it is, you need to look out for withdrawal symptoms. If you find yourself having an intense craving for alcohol or drugs, if you begin feeling withdrawn from your usual social circle and instead prefer to be alone so you can be free to drink alcohol or do drugs, or if you find that your normal dose isn’t doing anything for you anymore so you feel the need to increase it, then you’re going through withdrawal. 

Mood swings, irritability, anger, arising health issues, increased frequency of use or intake over time, self-harm, or endangerment of others are also some other signs of withdrawal. 

Impact on Family, Friends, Career

It’s usually the people around you who would first notice the changes or the withdrawal symptoms. This is because you’re acting differently from your usual behavior. 

You may start flaking out on your plans with them more frequently, or you’re lashing out at them for no reason. You could be slipping at work, coming in late, missing deadlines, being sloppy with your tasks. 

By this time, your dependency has gotten to a point where you can no longer hide the effects it has on you, although you may still be able to hide definitive evidence that you are indeed abusing the substance. 

Desire to Stop but Inability to Do So

In certain cases, it’s possible that you have particularly high self-awareness, which means that you do recognize the journey you’re on at the moment. There might even be a strong desire to turn things around, seeing how your substance use and abuse have been affecting your daily life and your personal relationships. 

Attempts at quitting cold turkey are common, and failing at it especially so. That’s because people tend to underestimate just how deep an addiction they already have, while at the same time overestimating their ability to handle it. 

In this case, it’s much better for you to seek professional help from centers like Gallus Medical Detox Centers (https://www.gallusdetox.com/). These facilities have treatment programs that can address your issues, and could even provide a custom-fit treatment for you, depending on the factors surrounding your condition.

How Drug Addiction Affects Relationships

woman and man sitting on brown wooden bench

Being in love with an addict can be challenging, even if you aren’t aware of your partner’s condition. Addicts do not disclose their status quickly, and it may take you long before you learn the truth. They can hide, but their behaviors and attitude towards relationships will still manifest.

How to Tell if Your Partner is a Drug Addict

If you have doubts about your partner’s condition, it’s better to investigate them for your sake and theirs too. These signs may indicate that your partner is using drugs.

  • Changes in their sleep patterns
  • Feeling unwell when not at home for more than a day
  • Coming back after an outing with a different mood from how they left the house
  • If you find syringes or small plastic bags in the garbage
  • Leaving the house on short notice with excuses to see a friend, etc.
  • Spending cash they cannot account for, and money disappearing at home
  • Vomiting, nausea, sneezing, and anxiety

Problems Associated with Drug Addiction


An addict is a mentally unstable person, and the long-term use of drugs can make someone aggressive. Arguments and physical abuse may break a relationship or cause trauma to a loved one. Seek professional help here https://www.infiniterecovery.com/and improve your relationship.

Abuse and Anger

Shouting at your partner, using abusive words, etc., are some of the hurtful things addicts subject to their partners. The condition may deteriorate if the person is taking drugs known for increasing anger and aggression, such as cocaine, alcohol, steroids, prescription stimulants, and MDMA. On the other hand, a loved one can also turn violent against the addict due to the frustrations they cause them. If you constantly hurt someone, they tend to defend themselves too.


Partners who take alcohol or drugs may not open up due to shame, fear of blame, or guilt. In most cases, addicts feel they’ve wronged their partners, and they may not forgive them once they find out the truth. So, all they do is lie about where they are, why they don’t have cash, who they are with, etc. after some time, secrecy will turn into isolation or distancing from their partners, which may cause a breakup.

Decreased Sexual Intimacy

Sexual intimacy is necessary for a healthy relationship. Unfortunately, drug and substance users have poor or no sexual feelings towards their partners. Some drugs are known for causing erectile dysfunction, making it difficult for a man to have sex. Other addicts concentrate too much on their drugs that they don’t find time for their partners. Also, mistrust, abuse, and anger may cause reduced sexual intimacy, which may lead to breakups.

Loss of Trust

Couples enjoy relationships because they trust, love, and care for each other. With the increased deception and lies, a loved one is likely to lose trust and loyalty to the addict or alcoholic. Broken trust leads to anger, resentment, hatred, and mistrust issues among partners. It is hard to bring back broken trust unless the partner is ready to forgive you.

Enabling Behaviors

Your actions may directly or indirectly make it easier for an addict to continue using substances or drugs. Unfortunately, many enablers do not realize that they help an addict get away with addiction without repercussions. Some of the enabling behaviors are; failure to correct a person to avoid making them angry, making excuses for their habits, denying that a loved one is an addict, taking drugs with the person to give them company, and covering for their responsibilities.

Both partners can mend a broken relationship if the drug addict is ready to get treatment. It is hard to maintain a healthy relationship when one is addicted. Talk to your partner, give them hope, and they’ll go for treatment. Please encourage them to join support groups to regain their self-esteem.

How to Celebrate Father’s Day at Home

How to Celebrate Father’s Day at Home

Your dad is there for you to pick you up when you fall- and then probably crack a joke about you falling in the first place. Your dad is your biggest support system and the person who makes you laugh the most, so it is important to show him how much he means to you on Father’s Day (and every day). There is only one day a year that is dedicated solely to fathers, so you want to make it count! Usually Father’s Day is spent planning an elaborate day doing all the things your dad loves, but with the ongoing Covid pandemic, celebrations might look a little bit different this year. But just because we can’t spend Father’s Day out and about like we normally do doesn’t mean it can’t still be just as special from home! You just have to get creative with your plans. You dad definitely does not deserve anything less than exceptional, so here is how to celebrate Father’s Day at home:

  1. Make Him Breakfast 

Every dad deserves to be woken up to the smell of bacon and french toast on Father’s Day. That is just a rule. Wake up extra early and get to cooking him his favorite breakfast while he sleeps in. You can even bring him breakfast in bed and treat him like he’s on vacation, because every dad deserves to be pampered on Father’s Day.

  1. Do a Scavenger Hunt

A Father’s Day themed scavenger hunt is a simple, yet exciting way to spend the day at home. Write up a list of clues that pertain to your dad, like “find 2 things that are his favorite color” and “find something that is his height” and see how long it takes him to find the prize. Better yet, make the prize his Father’s Day gift!

  1. Get Him a Meaningful Gift

Your dad deserves something heartfelt as a gift, like personalized Father’s Day canvases with pictures of your family that he can hang up around the house or in his office. Just make sure whatever you choose is a meaningful gift that you know he will love and appreciate.

  1. Treat Him to a Beer Tasting

You might not be able to go to a beer tasting with your dad, but you can absolutely bring the beer tasting to him! Treat your dad to a beer subscription for a Father’s Day gift he will definitely enjoy. Plan it out so that it gets to his house exactly on Father’s Day so you can enjoy a nice, cold beer together (as long as you’re of age, of course).

  1. Plan a Future Trip Together

Although you can’t go on a trip right now, that should not stop you from planning a trip to go on in the future! Figure out a place you have both always wanted to go to and spend the evening figuring out how you will get there and a place to stay. It will be a well-deserved vacation when the time finally comes.

  1. Play Board Games

End the day by sitting down with the whole family and playing board games. Whip out those games that have been hidden in your basement for the past 5 years and have fun with them! You never realize how much fun you can have playing Monopoly until you go at it with your entire family. It is a whole lot more competitive than you think! 

  1. Tell Your Dad How Much You Love Him

At the end of the day, there is nothing your dad wants more than just to hear how much you love him. He does a lot for you and it is important you spend Father’s Day making it clear how thankful you are for him and how great of a dad he is.

Spending Father’s Day at home can be just as special as going out for a bunch of elaborate plans. Planning out fun at-home activities will show your dad how much you care about making sure he has a fun day. With all the things he has done for you over the years, he definitely deserves a meaningful Father’s Day at-home. 

Tips for a Sucessful Divorce

woman and man sitting on brown wooden bench

Are you or your spouse considering divorce? Has either of you already filed?

You are not alone. While divorce rates have been on the decline, U.S reports over a million divorces each year. The average marriage only has a 50% chance of success, and it’s understandable when things get to the point of no return.

It’s no secret that divorce can be an overwhelming process. You are likely to have numerous questions about the process. How long it will take, the best course of action, and what the process will cost you are just some of the things divorcing couples worry about.

Luckily, you do not have to go through this daunting period alone. You may find it helpful to seek legal services from an experienced Riverside family attorney to guide you through the process.

On your part, there are several things you can do to make your divorce a peaceful and successful one.  See these tips below.

Maintain mutual respect

Maintaining mutual respect with your soon to be ex can be a hard tackle depending on the situation at hand. If there has been unfaithfulness or abuse involved, you could hire an attorney to fight your case in court no matter how stormy the situation is.

Nevertheless, a prolonged court battle can only do more harm than good, including financial, emotional, and physical strain. Hence, it would be wise to proceed with mutual respect, no matter how you feel about each other. It will also save your kids the emotional distress common in divorce cases.

Get proper knowledge

Before filing for a divorce, gather everything you can on divorce. Reach out to lawyers who can guide you through the legal proceedings and things to expect.  A thumb of rule is refraining from jumping into the water without measuring its depth.

Make your kids a priority

Most divorces include fighting over children. It might be ok for you but think about what this means to your kids. Understand that no child wants to see their parents separate. Seeing you fight only makes it harder for them.

So, the best thing is to come up with an agreement that won’t affect them. For instance, you can make a list of visitation options to provide your kids with stability during and after the divorce.

Take responsibility

True, divorce can be overwhelming, but don’t be a passive observer. Even with legal help, be prepared to make your own decisions- it’s your divorce after all. It helps a lot to take an active role even when you are not the initiator. This way, the process is likely to take less time, be cheaper and be less stressful.

Protect your sanity

You can’t underestimate the emotional trauma that comes with a divorce. It would help to get a support system to help you get through the process. The system could include an attorney, a therapist, a financial advisor, family, and friends.

However, it would be wise not to involve your family and friends in your divorce. They should only be a support team.

Manage your expectations

Many couples have preconceived perceptions of what they want to achieve often driven by their emotions. Without a clear head and high expectations, the divorce may frustrate you and leave you bitter.

A family attorney can explain what to expect so that you set your expectations at a reasonable level.

Mind your money

Even before the divorce process begins, you need to take stock of your money with an inventory of your credit cards, bank accounts, etc. Even if you are the spouse who manages the family finances, you should ask yourself what you would do if your accounts were closed.

On that same note, it would help set parameters for your lawyer to follow to minimize unforeseen legal fees.